Python Studying Log
52% completed on CodeAcademy's python tutorials, understood the use of python dictionaries and manipulations of lists.
Seeking to use python to retrieve some useful information in a short period of time.
The next assignment based on the actualization of Sweepline algorithm would be attempted with Python as well, if everything goes well.
Finished the first half of the assignment via Python, reading standard input is just so damn compact and easy compared to Java and C. (Before hand I though C was nice enough compared to Java)
Progressed a little bit more on the CodeAcademy tutorials, learned some new ways of importing classes into Python, as well as some useful functions that manipulates Strings.
Feeling a bit spoiled after using this language...
52% completed on CodeAcademy's python tutorials, understood the use of python dictionaries and manipulations of lists.
Seeking to use python to retrieve some useful information in a short period of time.
The next assignment based on the actualization of Sweepline algorithm would be attempted with Python as well, if everything goes well.
Finished the first half of the assignment via Python, reading standard input is just so damn compact and easy compared to Java and C. (Before hand I though C was nice enough compared to Java)
Progressed a little bit more on the CodeAcademy tutorials, learned some new ways of importing classes into Python, as well as some useful functions that manipulates Strings.
Feeling a bit spoiled after using this language...
Continuing on the CodeAcademy tutorials, should be able to finish them up within two days.
Discovered more functions during these two days, including map() and the usage of tuples when coding for algorithm.
One thing that never made me lose my mind was that the simplicity was close from not reminding me of the time complexities. Gotta take care of that in Python.
Finished the entire algorithm assignment in Python, the syntax got me around for a bit but eventually its so much more compact and easy to read.
The dynamic return types of functions may be good at times if used wisely, but could some times lead to confusion during implementation.
Though types are quite blurry in Python, it doesn't mean you could take less care with input types. These need to be handled with more caution as the type mismatches don't count as errors anymore.
Got caught up by school work for too long, but nevertheless, although codeacademy's compiling duration feels like a century, finishing another assignment based on Python implementation (dynamic programming on based on tree structures) had helped to familiarize with the usage even more.
Though, the use of map is quite infrequent as the time complexity will have to be risen to a whole new level if they were to be reported in the time analysis, thus might need some practices in the near future to look on those.
Attempted some studying on worms (is it the right way of expressing it in English?) to retrieve information from websites, still learning but requires some knowledge of HTML, needs a bit of patience on this one.
Previous algorithm assignments had all been completed with python, as well as during the 2017 ICPC qualifiers in the South Pacific division. Less chance of having mistakes with corners really saves time to debug with standard inputs etc.
Finished the entire algorithm assignment in Python, the syntax got me around for a bit but eventually its so much more compact and easy to read.
The dynamic return types of functions may be good at times if used wisely, but could some times lead to confusion during implementation.
Though types are quite blurry in Python, it doesn't mean you could take less care with input types. These need to be handled with more caution as the type mismatches don't count as errors anymore.
Got caught up by school work for too long, but nevertheless, although codeacademy's compiling duration feels like a century, finishing another assignment based on Python implementation (dynamic programming on based on tree structures) had helped to familiarize with the usage even more.
Though, the use of map is quite infrequent as the time complexity will have to be risen to a whole new level if they were to be reported in the time analysis, thus might need some practices in the near future to look on those.
Attempted some studying on worms (is it the right way of expressing it in English?) to retrieve information from websites, still learning but requires some knowledge of HTML, needs a bit of patience on this one.
Previous algorithm assignments had all been completed with python, as well as during the 2017 ICPC qualifiers in the South Pacific division. Less chance of having mistakes with corners really saves time to debug with standard inputs etc.
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