Notes for Parallelism

Task: computation of instructions, distinct part of program or algorithm.

Task-Parallelism: different tasks at the same time

Data-Parallelism: same task ,different data items at the same time (eg. 2 chef slicing one tomato each)

Dependencies: execution order of two tasks A and B. A must complete before B executes.
Notation: A -> B

Dependencies lead s to partial ordering
A and B can execute parallel if
 -no path in dependence graph from A -> B
 -no path in dependence graph from B -> A
Note that dependency is transitive, as A->C, C->B implies A->B

----------------------Task parallelism example-----------------------

Computing min,max,avg for a large data-set.

Task can be divided into
T1- MIN, T2 - MAX, T3 - AVG

Way to tell compiler to execute task in parallel is to use POSIX threads

----------------------Data parallelism example-----------------------
Computing pair-wise sum of two arrays

Use a SIMD extension of Intel processor to do sum in one step

When summing value of two arrays, conventional CPU needs one + operation per index, as they can only hold 1 data item at a time, namely a scalar register

Vector processors holds more values of same data type, registers of SSE extension of Intel's CPU are 128 bit wide

v4sf v;      <-------  This declares vector v, which consists of 4 fp numbers
an extension to the gcc, takes primitive data type and uses it across whole SSE register

v = v4sf {1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0};    <----------- assigns values to elements of v

SSE can apply operation to all elements of vector at once

Adding example :
v4sf VA,VB,VC;

VC = _builtin_ia32_addps(VA,VB);


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